Tennessee Troll
Demonstration by Bill Epps 19/05/1999
Bill-Epps :
Ok, Gents, I’m excited. Hope everybody brought the popcorn and the beer.
Bill-Epps :
Ward’s demo may be a little bit weak, but his work is something to behold. I’m just glad that some of the rest of the world is finally getting to see it.
Bill-Epps :
This wizard head was shown to me by Mike Jacek from Casterville, TX in 1984.
The wizard head is incorporated into this Tennessee Troll. You start with a railroad spike
Bill-Epps :
You taper the end to point about 2-1/2″ long.

Bill-Epps :
You need a punch something similar to this to make the eye depressions and set the end of the nose. Mine is made from 3/4 round sucker rod that I just ground out a triangle on the end.

Bill-Epps :
Just below the end of the taper set in the first eye socket about 1/3 of the material thickness deep. Do the same on the other side

Bill-Epps :
This is going to raise the nose. At the bottom of the nose set it down straight across at a slight angle. At this point is where I mark the mustache, and then have to take another heat.

Bill-Epps :
Ok, take a good heat, clamp in a vice and with a center punch at about a 45 degree angle, punch the nostrils. This lets the nose come up and take some form, then where I marked the mustache from the center of the nose out to the edge, I put some lines for the whiskers which will be cut out later.
Bill-Epps :
Take a good heat and punch the eyes (with eye punch or large nail set) Take a little hot cutter and mark the eyebrows and make a line to separate the hat from his forehead.

Bill-Epps :
Now take a good heat and cut the mustache out starting at the corner and to the center at an angle. Do the same on the other side. This leaves a real sharp on the end of the Mustache, so I take and very gentle turn that back in towards the middleput a line underneath and make his beard

Bill-Epps :
Then I clamp in the vice and flatten down the head so he can stand up.
Bill-Epps :
Now we are going to split out the head of the rr spike so we can make his feet.

Bill-Epps :
carry the split up the center of the spike about 1/2 way and let it fade out to nothing. Go approximate 3/y of the way through the head of the spike for the feet

Bill-Epps :
Spread the feet on the corner of the anvil, then you are ready to put on the toes.

Bill-Epps :
Adjust to base or head to where he will stand free or flat

Bill-Epps :
Use an eye punch for the toenails, then with a hot cutter put lines in between the toe nails for the toes.

Bill-Epps :
Curve or Serpentine his hat to suit yourself, I make a star in mine for accent, and that is the Tennessee Troll

Bill-Epps :
(BTW: Bill says these trolls sell for around $30.00 US.)