Drawings, plans, illustrations and ideas for the metal worker.Have you read our DISCLAIMER? Please do so before going any further. THANK YOU!
Eric Thing’s Armour or Sheet Metal Forge Long awaited for plans for the famous amoury gas forge. For armour and repousse’.
Index of Anvil Making Articles 25 different ways to make anvils in the small shop including RR-rail anvils, anvils from scrap, fabricated anvils and anvils as works of art. Includes methods to make a swage block and cone mandrel.
Motor buffer polisher A simple setup for buffing and polishing.
The Ray Clontz Belt Grinder A unique and rigid belt grinder for bladesmithing and other shop work. An anvilfire NEWS photo article.
Side Draft Forge Hoods Preliminary drawings
Super Sucker Side Draft Forge Hood Detail Drawing by Lester Beckman
Los Loss Stack Cap Efficient interference less smoke stack. Sketch by Jock Dempsey description from Tony Bartol.
JYH-East V.1a Jock Dempsey’s preliminary drawing of the East Coast -JYH
JYH-East V.1b Jock Dempsey’s construction drawing of the East Coast -JYH
Go to NEWS Special JYH Suppliment for the full story
Brake Drum Forge Your basic Saturday forge starter project. The ash dump tweer on this unit may be adapted to other forges. Now includes 2 new detail drawings.
Hammer Torsion Spring Spring Drawing for Tom in South Africa.
Simple Gas Burner and Gas Forge Resources UPDATED This really stupid burner is what is on most gas forges, even some commercial models!
Convertable Crucible Furnace and Forge A failed project with ideas adaptable to other uses. We learn from our failures.
Charcoal Retort and Burner LPG fueled charcoal retort by Andrew Hooper, NZ.