NEW! Comic of the Week featuring The Old Welder by Frank Tabor

Myths and Legends
Legend of the Ringing Anvil - or - Why We Ring Our Anvil
Whence comes the luck of the horseshoe? As told by Jim “Paw-Paw” Wilson. His version of the St. Eligius / St. Dunstan myths.
Who is the "Jack" in "Jack-O-Lantern"?
As told by Jim “Paw-Paw” Wilson.
The Custom of Weddings Over Anvils
The Legends of St. Eligius and St. Dunstan
The Blacksmith and the Devil
The Smith and The Bible
Isaiah, chapter 54, verse 16.

Serial Features
The Revolutionary Blacksmith
Ray Smith's Notebook of Metalworking Orgins
Feature Stories
The Removal
Comedic poetry about a retiree and his blacksmith neighbors. Provided by Mark Cortino NEW!
An Excursion
Victor Vera, Man of Metal
James Nasmyth : Autobiography
A Samhain Story
Blacksmith's Twelve Commandments
Graphic formatted by Mark Parkinson.
For Bruce
The Anvil Charm
A story by Jim Moran, Bethlehem Forge, Delmar, NY
A poem by J.M. Gerlinsky, Chokecherryforge, Wilkie, Saskatchewan.
Tales from the Leipzig Blacksmith shop
A story by J.M. Gerlinsky, Chokecherryforge, Wilkie, Saskatchewan.
A Blacksmith's Prayer
Adapted by Ray Smith, From the Ray Smith Notebook of Metalworking Orgins.
Henry Haus Blacksmith Shop
Historical fiction by Tim Cisneros about the Henry Haus Blacksmith Shop, Pope, California, USA.
John Smith and the Devil
A Southern Appalachian Folk Tale as told by Alan Longmire
A Blacksmith of 1776
By Jock Dempsey. Historical Fiction. The inspiration for the novel by Jim Wilson.
A Day in the Life of a Blacksmith's Apprentice
By Jock Dempsey. Historical Fiction
My First Anvil - On becoming a blacksmith
By Jock Dempsey. A true story.
Adopted from the rules of Bruce “Atli” Blackistone, Oakley Forge.
The Village Blacksmith
The classic poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Under The Spreading Cyber Tree
Topical poetry by Robert ‘Quenchcrack’ Nichols
The King of Craftsmen
An old story defining the King of Crafts. From the collection of Jim Paw-Paw Wilson.
The Blacksmith's 12 Days of Christmas
Humor? Annonymous on request. .
The Blacksmith's Christmas Gift
Mike Hricziscse, 2001, CSI
The Blacksmith Duel
Southern folklore about honor and humor.
Do you tell a good blacksmith story? Have a version of one of the blacksmith myths? Send it to us and we will publish it here.
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