Souvenir Horse Shoe AND Belt Buckle
Demonstration by Jock Dempsey.
September 15, 1999
guru :
Tonight’s demo will be a (yea we DON’T make horse shoes!) Souvenir Horse Shoe AND Belt Buckle. I thought this would round out our horseshoe collection. So far we have two sculptures made from shoes and an ACTUAL shoe. This one is for the kids.
guru :
Tonight’s demo will be a (yea we DON’T make horse shoes!) Souvenir Horse Shoe AND Belt Buckle. I thought this would round out our horseshoe collection. So far we have two sculptures made from shoes and an ACTUAL shoe. This one is for the kids.

guru :
This shoe is made from a piece of 1/2 x 3/8 x 8-10″ mild steel.

guru :
You can use a shorter piece to make a belt buckle.
guru :
Heat an end and bend about an inch then upset to form a heal.

guru :
Do the same to both ends. This looks simple but is harder than it looks and is good forging practice.

guru :
Now you have an option. You can make a plain shoe or one a little more decorative.
guru :

guru :
I use a 1″ cold chisel to make a short square ended crease.
guru :
Then I take the same chisel and make two fading creases about 1/4″ from the ends of the first.

guru :
Afterwards a sharp chisel is used to make connecting cuts. These give the appearance of nails. This chisel can be rolled a little at the ends to make the “nail” look like a separate piece. The creasing is done hot but this step is done cold.

guru :
When done with both ends the straight “shoe” should look like this.

guru :
The last step is to bend the shoe. A good long even heat makes it easier. I bend the shoe in the hardy hole while gripping the bar at the far end with tongs. Adjust afterwards on the horn.

guru :
Note the gap in the creasing at the toe. This is so you can stamp initials on the shoe. People will watch you make a shoe, but they will BUY one with their kids name or initials.
guru :
I use 1/4″ metal stamps on this size shoe.

guru :
This “decorative” shoe is also good for making belt buckles.

guru :
The buckle is made using a shorter piece of stock. The cross bar and “hook” is made of 3/16″ round. The “hook” pin has a shoulder filed on it and then is riveted in place.
guru :
vince :
do you still use the 1/2 x 3/8 stock?
guru :
Thanks, I’ll have photos to post with the demo on the iForge page next week. I know this is not REAL exciting but I’ve made a ton of these things. . . Yes, I use the rectangular stock. Its only available in cold drawn.
Ntech :
What is the selling price?
guru :
$$$ You don’t want to know how cheap I was making them. . . Today I’d ask at LEAST $5 🙂
guru :
$15 anyone? $10? ? ? ?
Tedd-Harris :
How much for the buckles?
tom :
we used to make a small shoe at demos for a buck , I know we made hundreds of them over a six year period
tom :
used round 3/8 or 1/4 rod (makes them come out real slick and they look better than square stock
guru :
I was selling them plain without the crease for $2. BUT, they HAD to watch me make them if they wanted one with their initials on it. Otherwise you’d get so back logged you couldn’t keep up.
guru :
One weekend at a buy show I thought I was RICH. Had a pocket STUFFED with bills! Counted them after the show. . . Had all of $98! Yep, I forged a little set to go with an “apple head” doll out of 1/16″ rod!
Bobby Hart:
How is the rivet, that goes in the belt hole, “fastened” on the belt buckle
guru :
A 3/16″ hole was drilled. A piece of 3/16″ rod was put in the hole and clamped in the vise to support it for riveting. When the head was upset cold the shank supported in the vise also expanded a little. Afterwards the extra 3/16″ rod was cut off and a very slight bend and curve was put in the pin to make it hold better. Then the pin was dressed with a file to round the end and give it a little taper.