Sea Horse

Demonstration by Bill Epps.
June 2, 1999

Bill-Epps :

Let’s get started fellows if you are ready?

Bill-Epps :

To Start with, let’s get some terminology straight. When I say the front side of the Anvil, That is the side closest to you.The back side of the anvil is side that is away from you. A side set punch is straight ont he front and angled on the back with a slight radius on the nose. An eye punch is basically a bullet nose punch with a depression in the center.

Bill-Epps :

Start with an old farrier’s rasp, split down the middle the long way. Then cut out across you can get 4 of these seahorses out of one rasp.

Bill-Epps :

 I use a hot cutter to split it with (plasma torch, cutting torch works just a well, just have to do a little grinding)

Bill-Epps :

Come back about one inch from the end and make a divot about 3/8 of an inch in diameter about 3/8″ deep. I have a sharp point on the horn of my anvil, so I use the anvil horn for this purpose. But a piece of 3/8″ round stock on the anvil face will do just a well. or a 3/8″ bottom fuller if you have one.

Bill-Epps :

Then put another divot about 1/2 way between the first divot and the end. (I didn’t get the drawings on the detail of the head done up very well, just bear with me and I will explain it as we go.

Bill-Epps :

Ok, when you put the divots in the bar, it will swell out on the sides, turn it over and flatten this back down. Make sure you take good heats on this stock because it very high carbon steel we are working with. After we flatten this back down, use a ball pien hammer to draw the jaw down.

Bill-Epps :

Now we are going to raise the jaw up.

Bill-Epps :

Bill-Epps :

To raise the jaw up, we are going to align the first divot that you made with the back side of the anvil and give a good solid 1/2 blow (1/2 blow the hammer face hits 1/2 on the anvil and 1/2 off). Then the second divot you made you align with the front side of the anvil, leaning the piece downward slightly and give one good solid 1/2 blow.

Bill-Epps :

 I hope you are following me so far, if not please ask any questions

Vince :

 Should you use a rounded part of the edge?

Bill-Epps :

Yes, the rounded part to make it flow and angle in.

Bill-Epps :

Now, we have raised the jaw up and the nose will have a slight taper to it, now we are going to take a center punch and punch the nostril, then the hot cutter to mark the mouth, and then cut the ear at an angle towards the nose. Take another heat.

Bill-Epps :

We just took a good heat, use your eye punch to punch the eye, then put some short marks for the mane.. (Not real deep). Taper the neck back to the end of the body. Now take another heat.

Bill-Epps :

We are going to bend the head down. Quench the end of the nose, bend the head back towards you at about 90 degrees to the body. This will make the ears stand up. You do this over the point of the horn.

Bill-Epps :

Now we are going to do the other end and taper it down to the tail.

Bill-Epps :

Bill-Epps :

After we get the tail drawn out, on the back side in the center of the back set down on the corner of the face of the anvil. or use a ball pien hammer to draw out the dorsel fin.

Bill-Epps :

Use a hot cutter and put some little marks on the dorsel fin and curl the tail. This makes a cute little “S” hook

Vince :

Before you curl the tail?

Bill-Epps :

Bill-Epps :

Vince, before you curl the tail, it really dosn’t matter, you can do it before or after. It is just a little easier to hand on to before you curl the tail up. We took a picture of this on our digital camera, but don’t have it upyet. I wish you could see the finished product, but maybe later.

Bill-Epps :

That’s is what you can do with an old worn out farrier’s rasp to get that last nickle out of it.

Bill-Epps :

 OK, has everybody got it.

Jock-D :

 At least break even so you can buy a new one? 🙂

tab :

 fine lesson Bill-Epps, thank you, that is one I think I will start with.

Bill-Epps :

I will try to do better illustrations next week on the “Swan Business Card Holder”

lochinvar :

looks like i will have a use for my old bastard files

Bill-Epps :

 I always use a farrier’s rasp because it gives the texture of scales.

Sparky :

Bill do you do just one side

Bill-Epps :

Yes, this is a one sided piece

dimag :

 Bill just reading the log,I am not sure I understand the raising of the jaw part.I are the divots you are talking about the ones that form the jaw and chin and throat latch?

Bill-Epps :

Dimag, that is the part that I needed another drawing of. The one (divot) that forms the throat latch you set down on the back side of the anvil (the side of the anvil away from you). The one that forms the nose you set down on the fron of the anvil (the side closest to you). This gives you the length of the nose and brings the jaw up. Look at the hoof pick that I sent you and see how the jaw comes up, that is from setting the metal in front and behind it down.

Bill-Epps :

Not front rather “front side of the anvil” the side closest to you.

Bill-Epps :

That is done after you draw the jaw down from the back side with a pall pien hammer.

dimag :

I’m obviously not doin it right Bill cause even with the pick in front of me every attempt so far has been a failure.

Ntech :

Dimag, are you forming the throat latch from BOTH the back side (away) and front side (near) sides of the anvil?

dimag :

No Ntech,I use a 3/8 rd anvil devil.I form the chin first and the dish beside the nose,then the throat latch.I peen the jaw round and haven’t been able to get the same look Bill gets.I’ve been peening from the back side and it comes out close but the detail isn’t as clear as Bills.

Ntech :

As I read it, Bill says To raise the jaw up, we are going to align the first divot that you

dimag :

It has been frustrating, so i’ve taken to putting heads that look more like real horses on the hoof picks I’ve been making.I dont bend them at the poll as much and I use a finer cutting chisel to make the mane.

Ntech :

I am trying to send Bills words and am having a problem, Check 20:57:33 in the log. As I read it he used BOTH sides of the anvil – far side and near side – to raise the latch

Ntech :

Bill, what is the selling price for a seahorse?


Ntech 15$


it takes about 10min to make after splitting the