Demonstration by James Joyce.
December 22, 1999
J-J :
Tonight’s demo is a lilly flower taught me by Bill Epps week end before last.
J-J :

J-J :

J-J :
Draw a blunt point on a piece of 1″ sq stock working over the back side of the anvil.
J-J :
After drawing the tip, move to the near edge of the anvil and set down a diamond about 1.5 times longer than the tip.
J-J :

J-J :
Refine the base of the diamond into a round about 1/2″ diameter, and draw out the stem to about 16″.
J-J :
Cut the stem off at the end of the draw.
J-J :

J-J :
Wsorking over the horn, and with the diamond on the bias (edge up) start flattening the leaf.
J-J :
Then go to the cross pien side and spread the leaf, which at this point is looking like a diamond beginning to form.
J-J :
Switch to the rounding hammer and refine the leaf into the diamond with rounded corners like in the photo below, right.
J-J :

J-J :
My drawings here could have been clearer…we are going to beging folding the lower half of the diamond until the edges just topuch. Start over the half round bottom tool, move to the step and finally over the tip of the horn.
J-J :
The photo below right, attempts to show the completted blossom (sorry, i been referring to it as a leaf 🙁 ) tip being held over the far side of the anvil and scrolled back on itself.
J-J :
Now, if you want to add a stamen for realism, make it out of 1/4″ round stock, about 3″ long finished for this size flower..
J-J :
Leave about 1/4″ long tip about 3/16″ dia for the stamen tip, and draw the rest down to about aslim 1/8″.
J-J :
Then, when you have the blossom pretty well closed up, slip the stamen in and finished closing eith the rounding hammer opver the horn. Then forge well in place and it will be very smooth looking.
J-J :

J-J :
Now we need to make 2 leaves for the stem. I used 3/8″ x 3/4″ bar stock, drew a blunt tip, slightly rounded, then spred to about 2″ or a bit more in width, maybe 2 1/2″.
J-J :
The photo below right shows the bar stock layed over the horn for cross pien fullering.
J-J :

J-J :
Then using the half round bottom tool again, roll the base tight enough it will just slip over the stem snugly, and continue a gentle roll toward the tip, laying the tip back a bit like the following picture.
J-J :

J-J :
Lay the tem in the half round bottom tool, tighten the leaf around it, then forge weld, usisng the gorn as the backing and the rounding hammer as the pounding instrument.
J-J :
I put two leaves on mine.
J-J :

J-J :
Comments and Questions?
Paw-Paw :
JJ, when you said cross pein fullering a while back, did you mean diagonal pein fullering???
J-J :
I alsway like a bit diagonal myself 🙂
J-J :
Two comments I should make:
J-J :
I used a small masons chipping hammer to put leaf veining in just prior to wraping the leaf. Also, When you put the stamen in place, don’t cuss. It just takes a couple to figure out the pressure needed to hold it in place for the weld.
J-J :
Bill, anything I should have said or that i might have done differently?
Bill-Epps :
There’s another version of that piece J-J, maybe I forgot to show you, when you are working the mass – Don’t forget to mention that you only work from 2 sides to maintain the mass in the center. Also if you draw the point out like a toe clip on horseshoe, you can curl it around for nice effect. Good Job:)
J-J :
Maybe you or tom ro rich could demo a clip for us non-shoers some night 🙂
P-F :
JJ; a very small thing, when rolling up the flower or leaf ,like in hollow body work, it’s easier to roll the edges first then you can get to them easily…good demo master
Paw-Paw :
Bill, do you mean to work first on one side of the diamond, and then on the other side?
SharonEpps :
Paw-Paw, Bill said no, he’s reading another question. Will work the answer out of him in a minute, He-He. You work 2 sides of the square bar 90 degrees apart, himself said:)
J-J :
Thanks pete, it’s what i inteded when i said working the tight base roll, gently toward the tip, then scroll the tip slightly. I’ve got to be better with my word pictures. thanks.