Blacksmithing and Metalworking Terms
Definitions of words as used in metalworking
Under construction as time allows. As glossaries are written in each language this index will link to them.
These translations are by professional and amateur blacksmiths and metalworkers that have a working knowledge of the tools and their language. They are not linguists. The translations may not be perfect but they are better than machine translations or translations by people unfamiliar with the tools. Submissions comments and corrections welcome.
Chart II
English, Latin, German, Dutch, Afrikaans, Portuguese, Hungarian

Capitalization rule (SI English)
SI (System International, IE; metric) units of measurment named for a person are capitalized while others are not. The same rule should be applied to traditional units.
Capitalization rule German
Substantivs (names of anything) in german are all written with big first charakter.