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Heavy Duty Wilton C3 “bullet” Vise

Heavy Duty Wilton C3 “bullet” Vise
Photos from Emerald Koch VISE FOR SALE, SE VENDE
Its amazing that we had to go to Europe to get a photo of a classic American made Wilton “Bullet” Vise.
This is a 6″ x 9″ combination vise having replaceable hard steel pipe jaws in its throat. These vises currently sell for over $2000 US new.

Note that the new replacement jaws on the left are different than those in this vise (actual like-new jaws shown on right). Wilton has made a lot of minor changes to their products that make keeping up with parts a tricky deal.
- Dimensions: 18 x 11 x 10″
- Jaws are 6 inches (152 mm) wide
- Weight: 70 kg, 155 pounds

The diagram above is rather generic and NOT the actual diagram for the featured vise. The featured vise has heavier jaws and the inserts are installed differently.
Emerald Koch is a world renowned dealer in used blacksmithing tools of the highest quality found in Europe. He is located in Fehring, Austria and will ship orders internationally. Check out the beautiful tools for sale on his web site,