Emmert Universal Vise

anvilfire.com Vise Gallery

– Emmert Universal Vise

Emmert Tool Makers’ and Metal Workers’ Universal Vise

Photos and Images from Steve Prillwitz of Matchless Antiques.

Many years ago I bought one of these at an auction. Paid too much for it. . . THEN found that the cylindrical jaw slide AND the cylindrical part it slid in was broken. There was a poor braze job then solder, some machining and more brazing and was broken again. . . I offered it to several people as a “project” but got no takers. I finally scrapped it. . . 🙁

Emmert is also the maker of the popular Pattern Makers’ and Wood Workers’ Universal Vise.

  • Dimensions: 3″ jaws
  • Weight: ~ 55 lbs