
Bill’s Eagle

Demonstration by Bill Epps

April 25, 2001


This is something I saw in The Blacksmith Journal. I thought it was real neat and just had to try it.

Figure 1

The “Eagle” is made from 2″ X 2″ (50mm x 50mm) by 1/8″ (3mm) angle iron which is about 4″ (100mm)long.

Figure 2

I get the piece good and hot and fold the angle iron onto itself flat.


I get the piece good and hot and fold the angle iron onto itself flat.

Figure 3

Figure 4 

Figure 5


Fig. 3, I lay this out w/soap stone, and mark it with a cold chisel. Come back about 1/2″ from the crease and make a line about 3/4″ long. Then come from this point, out to the corner. Then I take a good heat and use a hot punch and punch a hole at the end of my line as shown in fig. 4. The hole is punched all the way through both pieces. Using a hot cutter, I cut along what is left of the line all the way through both pieces.

Figure 6

Figure 7


After it is cut, it looks like fig 6. Then I put it in the vice and clean up the rough edges a little bit with a hot rasp.

Figure 8

Figure 9


Now on the bottom end, I do the same layout, only this time, I DON’T punch the hole. I just hot cut it. After cutting, clean up the edges with a hot rasp.

Figure 10

Now, heat up the end that I punched the hole in and apply flux, and weld the two stacked pieces together (remember this is still folded back onto itself).

Figure 11

Now as I tilt what will be the head forward, I bump up the end just a little bit keeping it square. Remember, when you are working a welded piece, keep it at or near a welding heat while working it.


Can you mig weld it instead?


oh no cookie! dont do that!


Something this small needs to be fused together without adding forign material. It is also the kind of small part that MIG is likely to burn off the part being welded. This is a easy weld to make but if you must weld it with a torch.

Figure 12

Now I set down a very short portion of metal which will become the beak.

Figure 13

Then using a side set punch (in the vice) I define the forehead, and using a very small center punch or eye punch, you can punch the eye. Then use a hot rasp to clean up the beak. Remember, the end of the beak of an eagle is hooked down.

Figure 14

I use the horn of the anvil to curve the head forward slightly.

Figure 16

Now, I clamp the body in the vice and start spreading what will become the wings out with a punch to spread the wings.

Figure 17

I use a blunt nose punch and a 1/2 Round Bottom Swedge in the anvil to finish spreading the wings some more, and I use the corner of the anvil to flatten them out flat.

Figure 18

Then I come back and make sure that the tail section starts opening up.

Figure 19

Figure 20


Now I use a cross-pien hammer to flare out the tail and get a feathered texture on the tail, and then do this to the wings.

Figure 21

Then, I draw the top of the wing out w/a cross-pien hammer to give the rounding effect.

Figure 22

Figure 25

Figure 23


Then you end up w/a piece that looks something like this. I Want to thank Pascal Pryor for doing these drawings for me. I made this last weekend at Scarborough Faire and she drew as I made it. Any Questions??

Paw Paw

Darn nice piece of work, Bill! Momma is Oohing and Aahing over my shoulder! Guess I’m gonna have to try that one!




Ok, since I appear to be the only person on here, I guess I’ll go back to the pub with the rest of you.


excellent drawings, classy demo.


How did you get it that colour Bill?


Same technique could be used for large leaves.


Does it stand by itself

Paw Paw

Bill, punch and back punch for the neck joint, or just punch from one side?


Well, good, at least someone was watching. Paw-Paw, you’ll find lots of uses for this eagle, and Sheri gets the first one, right?


Thanks, Bill.


where was it from Bill…good piece


I just use a wire brush while it is hot. You could use a brass brush if you want to to give the golden color. No Cookie it doesn’t stand by itself, but it could. Yes Paw, I back punch it from the back side and knock the slug out, and I stretch the hole.

Paw Paw

Only one Time I couldn’t give Sheri the first one, and if I’d known she was going to be in my life I’d have saved it. Welll… Maybe! Yes, she get’s the first eagle. 🙂


I got this out of the Blacksmith Journal, I think it was the August 99 issue. But, I added a little bit to it to make it more showy. I use this same technique to make a butterfly, a dragon fly, and a “winged Dragon”. Just change it up just a little, and will do a “Variance” demo on them later, OK?

Steve C

Thanks Bill, good demo.


Im still looking for my first eagle on agolf course


Tell Pascale that his drawings were some of the nicest we have had.


I’ll see ya’ll in the pub, OK?


Thanks Bill,awesome stuff,as usual.:)


Jock,youre right.Great demo


Jock, Pascal is a woman. She is one of the apprentice blacksmiths at the Old City Park in Dallas. She is from France, and a heck of a nice lady.

