Workbench accessory tools for crafts-folk
Bench Hooks

Bench hooks can be made of scraps of plywood, softwood, fine hardwood, metal or any combination of materials. I’ve made benchhooks in a few minutes from scrap construction grade plywood that served their purpose well. The important part of their construction is strength, both glue and dowels or glue and nails or screws should be used. For sawing hooks the cleats need to be cut very square as they are also the blade guide.
The sawing hook above is both left and right handed. The short cleat is a saw guide and prevents cutting into the bench. It is used to brace the work and guide the cut when making square cuts with a “back saw” or miter saw. The groove lets the saw drop through the work and is also a visual guide. This is the type of bench hook a woodworker might make of good hardwood, put a fine finish on it and paint the bottom of the guide groove. To support long slender pieces a second matching hook of the same length and thickness may be used. These are often narrow and do not have the short cleat or groove.

Bench Pin, or Bird Mouth Bench Pin